Monday, June 8, 2009

POV Session Report 06/06/09

--Lord Obsidian--

Our first day in Skalmad's fortress was not encouraging. The Trollhaunt goes on forever and it seems that the Troll King's forces are similarly endless. While I had absolutely no trouble dispatching the tiny fools, grinding through Trolls takes time that Moonstair doesn't have.

It would be easier if more members of the party knew how to avoid a fight. What fools these mortals be! They all be timeless poets if their proficiency at words equaled the tiniest part of their enthusiasm for bashing skulls. Sadly, if our group knows little of sneaking around, they know even less about diplomacy. As our expedition grinds to a halt, my hopes grow dim for saving the town.

We met a Dragon. Gloomfang, an adult Black last sighted more than a decade ago. I tried to bring her over to the side of the just, but failed. Despite this, we extracted several bits of useful information from our scaly friend. We learned more about this Skalmad character and his magic eye. Apparently if I kill him he gets a free trip to the Feywild and rises from the dead. Not impressive. After all, it doesn't make him any harder to kill, and he can hardly destroy Moonstair from the Feywild. I think this is a perfect example of how wizards and their ridiculous magics are no match for the thoughtfully applied hellfire and darkness of Lord Obsidian.



  2. Log of Khar'dan, Entry 25:

    Our expedition into the Trollhaunt has gone well, even with a few mishaps here and there. Really, the brawl with the troll spellcaster and his bear was hardly something we could have fully anticipated. Even moreso its nuances. Nevertheless, those foes are dead and we are closer to our objective.

    What isn't so good is the trouble we'll face when dealing with Skalmad. Apparently, aside from the standard magical abilities, the eye he possesses also grants him ressurection, returning him to life in the Feywild. I doubt we can effectively get word there in time to warn them, so we'll either have to allow for some level of side consequence or de-ocular Skalmad before he dies. I'd prefer the latter, despite its difficulty.

    Ah, yes. One final note. A dragon. A black, more specifically, named Gloomfang. A greedy and unimpressive beast, as I've come to expect of evil true dragons. Lord Obsidian's... "flavor" managed to garner our safe access, and Mikal's offer of gold did buy us information. That said, I'm hoping we cross paths the the dragon again.

    With less excuse to spare the savage beast.

  3. "A black, more specifically" Why not just call him a darkie and ask him to shine your shoes for a nickle?

  4. Official Military Report 2
    We have continued our Trek into these Troll Infested Warrens. Such Vile Stupid Beasts they are but they do seem to be Numerous, Came upon an interesting Sight today. After we dispatched some trolls and Troglodytes, (Smelly Creatures nearly made me gag hope I never have to face those again.)we came to a room with a Troll that had obviously gone out of his mind Counting a pile of skulls and reciting Mathematical Equations that made no sense. Unfortunately Guarding him was a large bear whom did not enjoy our presence there. What a Glorious Battle that was! I never thought that small human skulls animated by necrotic energies could prove to be such a problem Fascinating. They Seems to have the power to blind from afar as well as drop large Strikes of fire. Once this obstacle was overcome and we moved on we came upon nothing less then a Dragon! I was quite amazed first time I had ever seen one myself. A monstrous Beast that seemed to regard us little more then as dinner, luckily one of my current allies proved to be quick with his tongue and saved us from a scuff with the beast and even perhaps garnished an alliance, although a temporary one. I must remember that these large scaled beasts react well to flattery and Groveling....more tommorow
    ~Commander Shatyh Alistair of Twilight Company~
