Friday, June 19, 2009

POV Session Report Thread: 06/18/09

Ah, what a glorious day! It was like the stories my grandfather told me by the fire about the last stand of Bael Turath, before the dragonborn swept over our beautiful civilization like so much base earth shrouding incriminating but classy evidence.

Except this time we won!

I was so happy I gave V some money to buy more flame arrows. Couldn't guess why he'd need them. Skalmad is trapped in the Feywild, his army is routed, and the Den of Delight and Disaster is filled to capacity with raucous militia. All's right in the world. Yes. There's nothing left to go wrong, and I am 100 percent certain of it, just as I am certain that my soul is safe.


  1. --Vanèäron--
    Archer's Log
    Warrens, Log 5

    I finally get this Ornithopter figured out and begin my flight back to town. Who should I spy unconscious by the side of the road? Lord Obsidian in all his furry-tailed glory! I pick him up and begin back to town, and spy 3 more adventurers...including something amphibious with a slight swamp aroma.

    They all grab hold and we claw our way back to altitude in hopes of making better time, and fly directly over a farm house with the surrounding crops aflame. I was tempted to keep going. Alas, my better nature took hold and we circled back to give aid to these poor people under attack from a Troll and his friends.

    Good news, we were successful. Bad news, none of the party (including me this time) could hit our targets with any power. Fatigue, most likely...

    The battle took twice as long as it should have, and by the time we rescued the peasants, their house was nearly destroyed. Well, at least they are alive to rebuild it. Others were not so lucky.

    Upon arrival to Moonstair, it was obvious that the town was already under attack. We landed in the center of town and proceeded to take up positions to attack the invaders. Judging by the size of the forces arrayed against us, the Troll King is already losing support among his kind. We had far fewer real opponents than I had expected, but there were far more minions than I could count.

    As luck would have it, Obsidian figured out how to dispatch large quantities of minions at once. It was a good thing, too. I don't have an unlimited supply of arrows...

    Anyway, Moonstair is safe, for now.

    I do not share Obsidian's optimism about either Skalmad's demise or Moonstairs long-term safety. I fear that we may have to do this again (hence the request for more Flameburst Arrows). We still have to destroy the magic eye and will probably have to kill the king again upon his return...

    Since Obsidian is happy, however, I will continue to let him ply me with ale and food. I think I might have earned it this time.


  2. Donnas Archives, page 53:

    All that legwork to get to Moonstair might have paid off after all. After plenty of travel and getting lost a bit in a swamp, I managed to hitch a ride with a few heroic types en route to stop a siege of the fair town. And stop it we did! (if partially. Can't be everywhere, after all) The city is now safe, though I hear the army's leader is still on the rampage. I also hear there's already a team of adventurers moving to take the fight to him, including the elven archer that gave me a lift on his curious contraption, as well as the proprietor of the Dark Den of Delight and Disaster.

    I need to check that place out, but I've got material to write. A legion of trolls and mighty battle, and more, from what I've heard. I figure I have the next three months of song right here in Moonstair. Gods bless the place for being so awesome.
